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DOJ v. Trump Survey
DOJ v. Trump Survey
Legal Justification
Probable Outcome
Presidential Candidate
Please select the response you feel best represents your feelings on the issue and the question being asked related to it below, only one answer per question.
Is the DOJ's indictment of Trump for mishandling of classified documents justified?
No! Just the latest partisan effort to "Get Trump" and prevent a second term
No. Example of two tiered justice where Trump is indicted but Hillary and Biden get a pass for similar offences
Maybe. This is an indictment, not a conviction, Florida court will allow a fair hearing of the facts
Maybe. But don't stop here, Washington is rife with corruption and our political process is much is need of an overhall
Yes. No one is above the law, Trump has been consistantly stepping over the line for years, and possibly more to come
Yes! Finally! Justice for a repeat felon, lock him up!
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